All your Club Penguin Cheats

Posts tagged “Players

Bug Squashed + New Puffle Features Launched!

Yesterday I said that I’d give you an update on the bug that was disconnecting some of you from the server. The team just squashed that pesky bug! Now you should be able to play without getting disconnected. Thanks for being so patient!
Make sure you clear your cache so you have the latest data from the server.
Meanwhile, there’s a lot happening in the Pet Shop right now — the new Puffle features are finally here! I won’t spoil any of the surprises, so check it out and let us know what you think!
Until then… Waddle on!

Puffle Party and Brown Puffles this week!

Club Penguin updated the community blog…

“Hello Penguins!

It’s almost here… The Puffle Party is coming this weekend!
So what are you looking forward to doing at the party? As always, we want to hear from you, so let us know your big plans in the comments!
In other news… As many of you know, the Brown Puffle will be available in the Pet Shop by Friday! We can’t wait to see these new puffles out and about at the party.
Until then… Waddle on!”
All CP people are going “OMG! CANDACE IS COMING!!!” And I say “I think Aunt Arctic is coming!” And everyone else is saying “NO! Candace is coming!” Well, remember when CJW was about to come out… when we were making the water dojo?  Well… G made the tubes
And G was wandering around because of them… and Sensei was also meeting players because it was Card Jitsu Water… so there were two mascots on the island… Well… since the rooftop is never open unless Candace is meeting penguins… and Aunt Arctic loves puffles… I think they are BOTH going to be on!
Comment with your thoughts!


Field op #32 and Messeges

Hey everyone! Today, Club Penguin released the new Field Op. Here is the walk through. Click any images to enlarge

#1 Log in to club penguin

#2 Click on your blinking phone and click “Go there”

#3 when you get to the Command Room, click on the yellow screen

#4 Click “Accept Field Op”

#5 waddle your way to the Dance Club and go to DJ3k (You don’t have to play it)

#6 do the minigame (this one is my least-favorite)

When you have completed it, you will get a message from G. I would have told you what it said… but I forgot to copy it. :-/ here is an image though…

Also, when you finish, you will notice your phone blinking again. Click it, and you will get a message from Rookie

Rookie found something? Good job rookie! Also, Herbert is disguised as a Penguin… I found him!

and that blue puffle is Klutsy… that must be how they are planning to destroy the Puffle party.

Don’t you know? Herbert is going to take over the Puffle Party! Details in the next post 🙂


Coins for Change… and Beyond!

Hey guy’s! Thekoolman3 here. Sorry for not posting lately… for the last 2 days my Internet has been down… Funtin is busy with some school stuff… and idk about Spyroh… but Funtin told me she had a good reason too 😉 Anyway… there is a new post on the CP community blog! so… here it is!

Hello Penguins!

In December you gave over 12 billion coins to help kids around the world during Coins For Change. Now we’ve seen lots of you rallying to raise awareness about the floods in Australia:

Very cool, team! It’s awesome to see how passionate you are about helping others and the environment.

Though Coins For Change is finished for 2010, you continue to help change the world – all year round! Did you know that a portion of every Club Penguin membership goes to help children around the world? Thanks for helping change the world with us!

To find out more ways you can make a difference, check out the Global Citizenship section of our website. If there are other ways you’d like to see Club Penguin help change the world, let us know in the comments!

Until then… Waddle on!


As I said to a commenter on this blog… I don’t mind Members… what I do mind about is CP making it totally un-fun for non-members when some of them simply cant afford a membership. Share your thoughts!




UPDATE: To donate your site, please got to the Donate your website page! If you know of a website that doesn’t post anymore, please comment on THAT page

Hey everyone!

We are trying to contact people who have out-dated cheat sites (As in, they don’t post any more) and see if they will post something like:

To all who read this, I would like to inform you that I am no longer posting on this website/blog. If you would like to stay up-to-date on all CP news, Cheats and glitches, please go to Funtin’s Club Penguin

Thank you.

To get the code for the banner, copy the below text

the code is html, so all sites should be able to handle it.

So, if you have an out dated site, please post this (or something close to it) or, if you know of one, please coment with the URL.

PS: It would also be cool if you could just make us Admins.



Successful post’s:

Awaiting response:

Field Op #29

Hey, Guy’s!

CP released the new Field Op today 😀 Here it is!

#1: Click on your blinking EPF phone

#2: Click “Go there”

#3: When you get to the command room, click on the yellow screen

#4: Click “Accept field op” #5: Go to Hidden Lake

#6: go to the crashed Aqua Grabber and click on your blinking phone

#7: Do the mini Game

#8: Collect Reward

That’s it guy’s!

Waddle on!

Hey!I have twitter! Why don’t you follow me?!/thekoolman3

CP calander

update: Chrisdog93 posted on his twitter!/Chrisdog93/status/19244006189826050!/Chrisdog93/status/19244587235151872!/Chrisdog93/status/19246384427311104

Sorry for wasting your time.

Note from Thekoolman3: I really hope there will be a huge EPF mission SOON!

Another CP website ( had a posting about a picture of a calander of all the CP stuff. I don’t really like to re-post stuff… but I thought this was a cool post and had to re-post it. ALL information came from

Here is their post!

“Today, me and Chrisdog93 were able to find an exclusive of everything Club Penguinwill be updating up until July 2011! The image below is not a fake and was taken directly from the white board of Disney’s office. Check it out:

It’s hard to see as the text is small and a bit messy, but what we can confirm is that there will be an Expedition Party and the Brown Puffle will be released in JAnuary 2011 whic his next month! Are you excited for these upcoming events? Leave a comment and let us know!”

Here is some of the information I extracted from the image

January: EPF mission: “System Defender”

January: Expedition Party

January: something called “Parent Po beta test”

January: there is something that says “iPhone phase 1.1” wonder what that means?!

February: Puffle Party

February: something that says “Card Jitsu 1.1” wonder what that means too?!

February: it says “Pizzatron?”

March: Puffle launch!

March: St. Patrics day

March: Card Jitsu Water Expansion deck

March: Treasure Hunt?

April: April Fools party

April: Earth day Party

April: Easter Party

(lots of party’s in April)


April: Ice fishing?

May: Medieval party

May: Big EPF mission 😀 😀 😀

May: Blog revamp? 9might not have read that right)

June: Adventure Party

July was cut out… but I saw a glimpse of the words “board game?” and “EPF deck?” Can’t wait to see this all come together! Tell us what you think!

Waddle on!

Hey!I have twitter! Why don’t you follow me?!/thekoolman3

Rockhopper reached his goal and PARTAY!

Hey everyone! Guess what? ROCKHOPPER REACHED HIS GOAL!

And… remember… At 8:00 PM Penguin Standard time Funtin is having a party on server Cabin at the nightclub.

Waddle on!

Hey!I have twitter! Why don’t you follow me?!/thekoolman3

Reviewed by you

Today, CP posted the new reviewed by you. Here it is!

“Hello Penguins!

Last week we asked what you’re doing to raise donations for Coins For Change and Joiceful said:
I am a tour guide so each year when CFC comes along, I do a “Coins for Change Tour” which takes people to games and then to CFC pots. They donate to each pot and then I thank them for making a difference. I squeeze donating into touring for the perfect Holiday combo!!!

Thanks Joiceful – that sounds awesome! Tours are a great way to spread the word about Coins For Change.
The Holiday Party is coming up fast, so this week we want to know – what are you doing to celebrate the holidays in your own home?”

Until next time… Waddle on!

Hey!I have twitter! Why don’t you follow me?!/thekoolman3